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Mandala Abundenței

     As a symbol for abundance, the tree grows gloriously in the shape of a spiral that opens to the left and rises up to the sky.

    Strongly anchored in the ground, with robust roots, it grows from Love and reaches heaven, where the last branches take the form of a condor, a symbol of the supreme vision. The condor "rises above the labyrinth", he has an overview, a transcendental perspective.

     The whole process is protected by an infinite love illustrated on the edge of the mandala by a string of Love and Infinity. symbols This way the tree grows safely and thus opens the ways of abundance on all levels.

    The geometry outside the spiral reminds us of the sun, a symbol of light and warmth, elements that together with love support the growing of the tree  in the best and most harmonious way.

30x30 cm acrylic painting on canvas
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