Date: 18/06/2022
Location: Buddhist Center ”White Mahakala” Cluj - Napoca, str. Tipografiei nr. 18, int. 7
At the meeting on Saturday, June 18, we will gather in a pleasant and relaxing space, at the Buddhist Center "White Mahakala", to discover together the universe of mandalas!
Mandalas have been found over time in various cultures and used for many purposes - ornamental, ritualistic, learning, healing, relaxing and creative and more recently in the therapy of self-knowledge and access to the unconscious (Carl G. Jung) .
”What is not brought to consciousness, comes to us as fate” (Ceea ce nu este adus in conștiență, ni se prezintă ca destin) - C. G. Jung
We will see how mandalas can be used as a tool to self-knowledge. We will see from the outside how our inside looks like, in a holistic image, that of the Mandala. We will bring into shape and color aspects of our inner universe that were previously shapeless. We will bring to mind the inner contents that guide our lives.
And we'll see what messages the mandalas send us this time!
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