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Writer's pictureMandalaTales

One of the best experiences @ "Târgul terapeuților Clujeni Sănătatea - alternative"

20-21 Octomber 2018

Hosted by Info Spiritual

Location: Biblioteca Judeţeană "Octavian Goga" Cluj, Calea Dorobanţilor nr. 104, 400691 Cluj-Napoca

This weekend was amazing!

We had the opportunity to interact with beautiful people, wonderful therapists who kindly presented different types of alternative therapy, with live demonstrations and interactive talks.

There was also a nice fair area, where healthy products were exposed and put up for sale.

During this two days people could explore a variety of therapy approaches of health and well-being, discover alternatives and improve their knowledge and life style.

A beautiful live concert of therapeutic music brought the magic into the atmosphere. For Gheorghe Iovu, the composer, "music means life; breathing and living to the beat of the Universal rhythm. His therapeutic music represents the easier way to find ourselves."

With the same purpose of awakening our true nature, we exposed some of our mandalas and we stayed open in sharing all of their marvelous tales.

People were interested in finding the meaning behind our colorful collection and exploring the MandalaTales universe of symbols and sacred healing patterns. Many of them found their matching mandala and were happy to take it home. Others only admired them and grabbed some stickers as a memory. In the end it felt like everything was settled the way it was supposed to be.

Thank you, Info Spiritual, thanks everyone who appreciated our mandalas!

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